I recently had a conversation with an old friend of
mine about psychic predictions. Through the course of our discussion, I heard that old familiar statement, that science and spirituality
are "separate domains," and that one is rooted in understanding and the other in
logic, each containing "two different methods of knowing." Despite this argument being an obvious false dichotomy (the fallacy that an argument "logically" boils down to a simple either/or dichotomy), I believe that people often make this mistake for two simple reasons; 1) we've heard countless religious leaders state something to this effect (likely in an effort, conscious or not, to protect their underlying supernatural premise) and, 2) a fundamental misunderstanding of the basic tenets of scientific understanding.
It is simply untrue that science and spirituality are separate domains and/or diametrically opposed to one another (science vs. dogmatic religion on the other hand, is something completely different). Neuroscientist Sam Harris for example, is doing a great deal of really excellent work in regards to consciousness and how the act of meditation affects the physical, neuronal structures of the brain. He recently wrote a book called “The Moral Landscape” in which he discusses the notion, "that which brings the greatest amount of happiness to the largest amount of people" as the true definition of morality, and how if morality can be defined in such a manner, it can therefore be measured within a scientific domain. Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh often states that without understanding we cannot have compassion - an extremely logical statement that should in no way imply that understanding is mutually exclusive to spirituality alone. Far from it.
It is simply untrue that science and spirituality are separate domains and/or diametrically opposed to one another (science vs. dogmatic religion on the other hand, is something completely different). Neuroscientist Sam Harris for example, is doing a great deal of really excellent work in regards to consciousness and how the act of meditation affects the physical, neuronal structures of the brain. He recently wrote a book called “The Moral Landscape” in which he discusses the notion, "that which brings the greatest amount of happiness to the largest amount of people" as the true definition of morality, and how if morality can be defined in such a manner, it can therefore be measured within a scientific domain. Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh often states that without understanding we cannot have compassion - an extremely logical statement that should in no way imply that understanding is mutually exclusive to spirituality alone. Far from it.
Science simply stated, IS about understanding, especially the
understanding of complex patterns and/or phenomena. Is such understanding not what Buddhist psychology is also fundamentally designed to explore? Are both neuropsychology and Buddhist psychology not both concerned with the general study of human consciousness? Apart from the the obvious, if not over-simplified fact that each domain tend to speak to opposite hemispheres of the brain, I do not see them as different or opposing one another. Just as
science has suggested that optimal human functioning depends upon reliance and utilization of both hemispheres
(the left/logical half and the right/experiential half) the Dali Lama has
suggested recently that one must have deep understanding of both western and eastern
psychology to fully understand and appreciate the human condition.
The Buddha himself reportedly never discussed gods, heaven
or the supernatural because he saw them merely as “mental distractions” from
being fully present and gaining a deeper awareness (i.e.: they’re not fundamental or necessary for understanding
and compassion). I read Jack Kornfield’s
“Path with Heart” years before I learned to conduct cognitive-behavioral therapy
(CBT) in my therapeutic practice. One
might be surprised to learn that the Buddhist techniques described in the book
directly parallel the treatment methods of modern CBT. While such therapeutic cognitive-behavioral techniques are relatively new, developed independently over the last 3 or 4 decades, similar Buddhist methods essentially predate modern
psychology by roughly 2,500 years. Fascinatingly
enough, these “truths” were arrived at completely independently of each other in what's known as "convergent evolution (i.e.: the independent evolution of similar features in species of different lineages). Often the best approach to a problem comes forth this way, in this case, a natural manifestation of focusing on awareness and consciousness and the inevitably pursuit of happiness. Regardless of whether your “goal” (for lack of a better word) is enlightenment
or self-actualization, the basic methods for achieving deeper understanding remain the same.
To shed more light on the power of human consciousness and our species susceptibility to illusion and ignorance, let’s continue with
the general theme of convergent evolution.
To the untrained eye one might assume that a bat and a bird both share a
immediate common ancestor. They don't. Though they have many similarities in both wing
and body structure, evolutionary science has shown us that both species evolved
their individual anatomies and ability to fly completely separate of one another, both to
meet the independent needs of their particular species in their respective divergent environments. The same goes for insect and pterosaur wings
or the evolution of eyesight (which itself has developed independently
somewhere between 40-65 times in the course of evolution). To the untrained eye (no pun intended), we might naturally assume
there was a direct connection between the two when there actually is none (other
than divergent natural selection and a much more ancient common ancestor),
despite the “superficial” similarities in the body structure of both creatures. As with Buddhist psychology and cognitive-behavioral psychology, the best answer to solving the problem (in this case, the transcending of human suffering) inevitably "presented itself." The same basic paradigm applies to bats and birds. Without scientific understanding, we would
never know this, no matter how “open” we chose to be in our consciousness. If we just accepted that these two species “evolved
together” because in our gut it “felt right” (because they share similar body structures), we would be severely limiting our
understanding of the world.
Science is meant to open our eyes to the wonder of the world
and the quality of “openness” is actually a fundamental mandate of any good (i.e.: reliable) science. The connection that appears in the anatomy of
bat and birds is nothing more than an illusionary connection created by consciousness
that is wired to find meaning in a chaotic world. Our brains have evolved to “create” such
connections quickly, which has helped our species adapt and survive through
multiple generations. What might be
great for basic survival however, provides a great deal disservice to
fundamental truth, as much of the meaning we give to phenomenon is just plan wrong. It might be easy for example (and quite logical I might add), to make a leap and assume that convergent evolution of either essential wisdom or species ability to fly has been guided by a divine hand, but again, this may be nothing more than our consciousness not fully understanding reality and attempting to make phenomenon meaningful within the contexts of a particular worldview. Now I'm not arguing the fact that this is no god in the universe, as that subject deserves a separate discussion in and of itself. I am asserting what Stephen Hawking has so eloquently wrote about in The Grand Design, that everything in the universe that has occurred can be naturally explained by science without divine intervention:
"Because there is a law such as gravity, the Universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the Universe exists, whey we exist. It is not necessary to invoke Got to light the blue touch paper and set the Universe going." - Stephen Hawking
As a multitude of studies have shown, humanities ability to observe the whole picture and/or make computations of complex statistics and probability in our heads is still stuck in the stone age, as we continue to give importance to what is most likely nothing more than powerful, emotionally satisfying (and therefore motivating) coincidence. Though entirely random (and/or deviously manipulated to appeal to ones emotional reasoning), such stimuli has been positively reinforced and therefore appears extremely meaningful to the person making the (mostly erroneous) connections.
"Because there is a law such as gravity, the Universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the Universe exists, whey we exist. It is not necessary to invoke Got to light the blue touch paper and set the Universe going." - Stephen Hawking
As a multitude of studies have shown, humanities ability to observe the whole picture and/or make computations of complex statistics and probability in our heads is still stuck in the stone age, as we continue to give importance to what is most likely nothing more than powerful, emotionally satisfying (and therefore motivating) coincidence. Though entirely random (and/or deviously manipulated to appeal to ones emotional reasoning), such stimuli has been positively reinforced and therefore appears extremely meaningful to the person making the (mostly erroneous) connections.
Consciousness has been wired over a vast expanse of time to have us believe in a separate sense of self, which has been extremely adaptive from an evolutionary standpoint, when ancient spiritual traditions and modern science suggest that we are all actually much more deeply interconnected that we could ever imagine. Such a fact does not imply however, that supernatural phenomenon, such as the ability to see into the future or into other people's minds, exist, or is suggestive of a supernatural explanation. As it stands today, there is absolutely no empirically validated evidence (other than extremely fallible anecdotal evidence) to support the claims of psychic abilities. With this fact in mind, is it not alternatively possible that those who believe in such phenomenon are merely experiencing the illusion of ego, created by consciousness, driven to make sense of the world (and ignorant of the overwhelming influence of coincidence and probability), and merely "conceptualizing" a psychic experience? Within the scope of current evidence, this seems to be a much more logical conclusion.
Simply stated, there are things that we can't understand (and that it’s pure hubris to assume that we do), and the most adaptive stance is to remain open to experience, rather than remaining rigidly closed off. Aren't we merely limiting our awareness to a simple dualistic conceptualization when we put our uncertainty into a distinct category, such as describing phenomena in terms of "psychic experience?" Have we not seen in our lifetime, the potential of rigid mental conceptualizations (such as modern “interpretations” of the bible) serving the purpose of shutting down human empathy? Is there not a fundamental difference between being naively open to the world vs. maintaining an educated AND open awareness of life in all its complexities?
Science has shown humanity the errors of perception and emotional reasoning
just as Buddhist psychology has shown us that we limit our experience by putting
labels on and conceptualizing phenomenon.
Is it not arrogant to assume we KNOW (for a fact) exactly what is
occurring? Is it not possible that
labeling something a "psychic experience" merely biases our perception to expect psychic experiences and thus closes oneself off to other alternatives? I think the real trap is believing you know
when the fact of the matter is that you merely THINK you know something based
on (possibly) flawed logic and emotional reasoning – something I find to be
inevitably dangerous to society due to the fact that it leaves us open to blind
credulity and the influence others who may not have our best interests at
Don’t get me wrong, I am not denying psychic experiences are
possible, though it seems highly unlikely to me.
I'm simply denying the fact that there is any reasonable evidence to support the existence of such phenomena and am simply holding out for more compelling evidence before I can definitively
say either way. Don’t be fooled, despite what questionable articles one might read, ignorant
of the full body of scientific evidence and the basic flaws of many of the
study designs which are often cited might say (convincingly, I might add),
there is no reputable evidence for such phenomena within the scientific community.
From the dawn of consciousness, humanity has felt the need
for certainty in an uncertain world. We obviously
gain a great “sense” of control in a random and chaotic universe. Religion and astrology are two such efforts. Science has shown the extreme power of
coincidence in the influence of the mind that craves certainty in an effort to
make sense of the world (calling something a "psychic experience" for
In the infamous words of Carl Sagan, "extraordinary
claims require extraordinary evidence."
Otherwise, isn’t it just the ego making barriers to direct experience, by labeling and conceptualizing said experience and viewing all future
experience through that point of view? Personally,
I find it best to stick with the "not knowing" of a beginners mind. It's simply hubris to assume we know all answers when we don't have all
the evidence.
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