I recently saw a video of children protesting the removing of the Ten Commandments from the publicly funded school. One of the kids in the video says, "Us CHRISTIANS want them up and we just think it's basic morals and they should be up." (forgive her grammar - she's from West Virginia after all). I wonder what the first four commandments have to do with "morals?" This is truly an example of the credulity of spiritual narcissism at a young age.
It's interesting, when you ask most people what they think the number one commandment is (or should be), most will say "thou shall not murder." The fascinating thing is that most people who CLAIM to be religious are completely ignorant of the fact that the ban on killing others doesn't even make an appearance until commandment #6. Apparently, the ruler of the universe felt that it was far MORE important to establish his masculinity, insecurity and megalomania at the onset of the first four commandments (which have NOTHING what-so-ever to do with "morality" I might add):
1) Thou shalt have no Gods before me.
2) Thou shalt make unto me no graven images.
3) Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
4) Remember the sabbath and keep it holy.
Context is everything. An important thing to remember is that when these commandments came about, there was an on-going struggle between the earlier feminine, holistic, Goddess/lunar Paleolithic cultures and invading linear, masculine solar Gods of the Bronze and Iron Ages (the Goddess cultures inevitably lost to the more powerful and violent monotheisms and were either displaced, completely eradicated or incorporated).
Notice that commandments 1 and 3 unequivocally use the word "God" (diametrically opposed to the word "Goddess") which establishes the fact that the creator of the universe is obviously NOT feminine. The mythologies of these newer sky God cultures literally desecrate the earlier Goddesses, such as the Babylonian myth of Tiamat, where the masculine hero divides heaven from earth as he hacks the earth Goddess into multiple pieces to create the universe, and uses her body as a vessel for humanity.
Also interesting (but not a coincidence) is that the written word came about around the same time the Goddess cultures begin to lose ground. Literacy inevitably causes a society to see the world in a more linear, abstract (like their image-less God), black and white fashion, relying upon more “masculine” left-brained faculties (Goddess cultures, were much more holistic and feminine and generally more right-brained). * [See Leonard Shlain’s “The Alphabet Vs. the Goddess” for more detailed information on this subject: www.alphabetvsgoddess.com].
Needless to say, maybe instead of attacking people who might question the wisdom of publicly posting such exclusive, ethnocentric and divisive piece of literature people should actually take a look at WHAT it is that is being protested.
It's amazing to me that if these commandment are SOOOOOO important, why do they even NEED to be posted. Don't they have iPhone apps for that? LOL! Just keep the 10 Commandments on your iPhone, or taped to the front of your text book, or better yet, tattooed on your face, five commandments on each cheek (written backwards, of course, so you can read them in the mirror). I mean, really - if they're THAT important to someone, shouldn't that person have them all memorized by now (there are only 10 of them after all)?
If it's not a matter of memory, and one is confident in their choice to subscribe to such blind credulousness, then one has to ask oneself, why exactly do they feel a need to have them posted for ALL to see??? If their faith was so strong, why must they rub their ignorance in every body else's faces or have to rely on the power of large numbers and group think?
Also, the commandments are outwardly discriminatory and hostile to other non-Western, Judeo-Christian belief systems. Many people who are governed by unreason and blinded by their own ethnocentricity tend to miss this fact or just ignore it all together because they seem to believe that they have a monopoly on the truth (and morality for that matter).
If you don't believe in the supernatural, or sky fairies, or some other form of floating mystical beings - or you ascribe to a feminine deity for that matter - how are the 10 Commandments inclusive of you? Oh, that's right - your educated opinion doesn't count and Separation of Church and State simply doesn't matter. We can just rewrite history and SAY that the founding fathers were Christian (they were not for the most part, or at least didn't believe their faith should be married to their politics). If it's said enough times, people will inevitably begin to not question it (like everything else that counters their erroneous belief system). That's just my humble opinion, for what it's worth. My opinions obviously wouldn't be very popular at this school.
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